Systems, Strategies, and Programs that Shift the Current

Mandates are an opportunity to have a bigger, better impact on customer lives. 

RiverNorth helps organizations transcend their own tech and process debt to develop systems that make employees’ lives easier, programs that benefit the people they serve, and strategies that drive you toward your most impactful future state.

Digital Modernization

We’ll offer new strategies for challenging the way you’ve always done things in order to build on what’s working and move past what isn’t. Upgrade from obsolete, broken, or cumbersome platforms, to a simplified ecosystem that drives efficiency, effectiveness, ease of use, and improves customer support.

    • Navigating the sea of similar technologies to select the right one for your organization’s needs

    • Determining a feasible, risk-weighted plan for cloud migration

    • Future-proofing architectures to meet today’s needs with room for what’s next

    • Prioritizing requirements when user groups do not agree with each other

    • Scaling capacity to lead development teams and modernization programs

  • Business Process Modernization, Optimization, & Automation

    IT Roadmaps

    System or Cloud migration

    Defining requirements, schedules, and dependencies

    Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) studies

    Supporting Vendor RFQ Creation/Evaluation

    Business case development

    Business Architecture

    Data Architecture

    Enterprise Architecture

    System Architecture

    Solution Architecture

    Proxy Product Ownership

Enterprise Innovation and Strategy

We’ll help you create rigor, discipline, and measurable ROI around modernization and innovation projects and processes. Go from old tech, disparate processes, and unmeasurable progress, to a plan that creates meaningful organizational outcomes and places your employees and customers at its center. 

    • Creating rigor and discipline around how innovatin ideas are selection, prioritized, managed, and measured

    • Capturing disparate priorities, mandates, and pressures into cohesive Strategic Plans

    • Scaling to meet competing demands within PMOs and IT portfolios

    • Measuring ROI and value delivered by innovation initiatives

    • Defining project management processes that stakeholders actually follow and that yield measurable results

  • Project management

    Portfolio management

    Innovation lab creation and management

    Framework and process optimization

    PMO and Vendor Management Office Support (VMO)

    Strategic objectives, direction, and implementation support

    Resource allocation

    Alignment and communication

    Organizational procedures standardization

Lending and Grant Program Design

We’ll guide you in designing and developing government finance and federal assistance programs that help people and populations get what they need to thrive. We have an unparalleled level of experience in lending and grant programs, from standing up new ones to updating and improving existing ones. 

    • Rapidly standing up new federal assistance programs with few Federal employees or results

    • Meeting urgent statutory deadlines

    • Future-proofing program policies and procedures against audits and Congressional scrutiny

    • Ensuring fraud prevention and avoiding improper payments

    • Assisting borrowers and lenders with understanding of program requirements and application processes

  • Program design, support, and execution

    Policy and procedure development

    Government assistance and lending program policy advice

    Legal advisory

    Program risk management

    Compliance and auditory support

    Technical assistance

    Communication strategy

    Internal controls

    OMB Circular A-123 and OMB Circular A-129 support

Hear from our experts

“RiverNorth provided NABCA an objective review of service providers and tools to re-engineer its complex data infrastructure. RiverNorth’s strategic recommendations and tactical support continue to guide changes in NABCA’s core systems and processes that drive mission-critical revenue and service delivery.”


President / Chief Executive Officer