the current
What does “challenge the current” mean anyway?
It means being skeptical of the status quo. It means being radically candid. It means committing to an uncommon way of structuring our company and empowering our employees.
We are committed to being a “Teal” company.
Frederic Laloux defines Teal Organizations in his book Reinventing Organizations.
We live in a world of acronyms, but in this case, Teal is just a color associated with the latest stage in a theoretical evolution of organizational development. You can read more in our article titled “The Future is Teal.”
In short, it means that we are by nature counter cultural, and we challenge anything that smacks of Corporate America.
What that means to our people
First and foremost, we are disruptors
Our organizational “why” is to turn the traditional contracting paradigm upside-down.
We are out to prove that pursuing employee development, value-based leadership, and a bottom-up culture above all else yields better results for consultants, clients, and customers.
“Through the lens of Teal, RiverNorth is breaking down traditional corporate barriers by removing common points of friction and replacing siloed hierarchies with a matrix approach – enabling everyone to contribute, focusing on results instead metrics, and setting clear expectations. Employees are encouraged to embrace their authentic selves; feel empowered to fully address issues around them; and work with those impacted to identify, develop, and provide solutions.”
Cameron Albert, PMP
Everything here flows upward
The name RiverNorth is a literal and metaphorical reference to changing currents, a nod to the rare rivers that flow South to North, seemingly defying the natural state of things.
Everything at RiverNorth flows “backwards” — information flows up, not down through the communication channels; staffing decisions are made by the consultants themselves, not centralized teams.
“Nothing at RiverNorth is dictated or decided behind closed doors. This makes me feel empowered, that I have a voice in the decision-making process, and that ultimately I can take pride in our collective success. I am encouraged to uncover my hidden potential at RiverNorth, honoring our ideology of transparency and honesty in the workplace.”
Malika Mullaeva
Actual honesty and transparency
There is no task in life that is made easier by having only part of the necessary information to complete it.
Each employee is integral to RiverNorth’s results, and therefore every employee shares the burden of transparency and honesty. Financial statements, business decisions, salaries and everything in between, our books are open to you. Transparency is more than just dissemination of corporate information; it is disseminating feedback to each other. Feedback is not just encouraged, it’s required.
"Our system is built on trust, with a shared commitment to honesty and transparency, recognizing that each individual's contribution is critical to our collective success. Honesty is not just a policy; it's the heartbeat of our culture, ensuring that every layer of our structure is transparent and every voice is heard with authenticity.”
Dimitri Rizos
Title-less structure
Internally, no one at RiverNorth has a formal title.
Employees can’t thrive if they’re worried about impressing the boss, internal politics, and gossip. Without titles, there are no bosses to impress. Without a boss, you become accountable to yourself and your team, not a performance evaluation. You’re expected to speak up when you have the knowledge, experience, and skills to do so. Your value is measured by the number of people who follow your lead, not because they have to but because they are inspired to.
“At RiverNorth my value isn’t based on my seniority or role; I have a voice in everything no matter title, seniority, or status. RiverNorth works with each of their employees to help them reach their goals, both professionally and personally. They hand pick opportunities that align with their employees’ needs and wants.”
Khamari Yesudian
Challengers without ego
‘Challenge the Current’ is not just our tagline, it is our way of life.
Our goal is to find a better way (for ourselves, our clients, and the customers they serve), without discounting what works. We are all expected to set ego aside to make the best choice that serves both our “why” and our client’s needs. We find that, most frequently, this is achieved through empowering each RiverNorth professional to identify problems, advocate for solutions, and be passionate in pursuit of better ways of working.
“At River North, I've learned to challenge my ego. ‘Challenging your ego’ here means to come to the understanding that you don’t know what you don’t know, and that you're also in a space where you can feel comfortable asking questions. I’ve expanded my knowledge base so much by continuously asking questions to the policy subject matter experts here. It's the perfect space to learn and grow.”
Priya Narapareddy
If you see an open role that fits your skills, we hope you’ll apply! If you don’t see anything that feels like it fits, we hope you will reach out anyway. Roles at RiverNorth are ever-evolving, and we always prioritize hiring great people over hiring someone who fits into a cookie-cutter role description.
Join us!
and curiosity.
Although RiverNorth is an IT consulting firm, technical skills are not the end-all be-all of what we seek in our employees. Above all, we look for people who are fearless in their vulnerability, empathy, and desire to help deliver for their fellow humans.
Attributes we value
beyond technical skills:
The emotional intelligence to empathize
The willingness to say “I’m wrong” or “here’s what I think”
The humility to admit you don’t have all the answers
An insatiable curiosity and passion for learning
Fearless decision-making
An unwillingness to hide your whole self
Candor that comes from a place of respect and caring
Multifaceted interests
The ability to define success in units of joy instead of units of currency
A fire in the belly and drive to get things done