Compliance and policy design enable post-COVID recovery funds to help impacted communities thrive again


Treasury’s loan and grant programs to offset COVID-19 pandemic consequences include financing to help jurisdictions support public health and economic impacts; maintain vital public services (e.g., clean drinking water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure, and affordable access to broadband internet); and long-term growth (e.g., premium pay for essential workers and replace lost public sector revenue). 

Our Approach

RiverNorth performs program design and executes compliance for several programs, which includes risk-based recipient reviews, internal policy/procedure development, and business analysis for the technology that enables compliance (Salesforce). Our subject matter experts provide advice around block grants, program compliance, internal controls, and operational policies and processes. Given the quick turnaround requirements for this program, Treasury challenged us to leverage existing capabilities and expertise already within the government wherever practicable while also leveraging the processes and mechanisms established for previous stimulus programs, such as TARP and the CARES Act.


We supported development of automated compliance review tools to optimize review of 28,000 recipient reports with limited human resources — allowing for instant review of key compliance measures. We have also advised Treasury on key statutory and legal compliance issues that enabled continuous improvement of program testing and compliance.  


RiverNorth, Inc


Employee engagement strategy leads to a culture of collaboration for USDA agency’s CFO office